Alexander's Way Research Fund, Inc
A 501 (c)(3) approved charity, contributions are tax deductible

Alexander's Dad, Stephen
Stephen, was born in Flushing New York. He is of Jewish heritage. He graduated from the City College of New York, (CCNY), majoring in Mathematics.
He has devoted many years of his life to the arts. He studied at The Art Students League, in New York City. and he worked as a watercolor painter. He taught watercolor painting at Berkshire Community College.
​He volunteers to teach children how to play chess, at our local library in Sheffield.
Stephen is and always has been, an involved and devoted farther.
Alexander and Stephen have a wonderful bond, they laugh together and tell silly "knock ..knock" jokes and discuss unusual phenomena and science.
They are wonderful buddies, they enjoy each others company and are like best friends.
Alexander is Stephen's only son! When Alexander was born, you can not describe his joy.!!

​​The bond between a Father and a Son!