Alexander's Way Research Fund, Inc
A 501 (c)(3) approved charity, contributions are tax deductible

Marco Vignale
Marco is a handsome, smart and talented young man, struck by Myofibrillar Myopathy MFM6, in his early teens.
Despite being affected early, he graduated from college and he continues to find meaning in his life. He has a loving family, friends and a girlfriend who are steadfast by his side.
Now, he is 21 years-old and in the prime of his life he is fighting to live. He is on a breathing machine and requires 24 hour care.
The resilience he and his family show deserves only the highest admiration !!!
Despite enormous suffering he has not lost his love for life and for others. He hopes for treatment and a cure.

His family motto is:"Hang in there Marco!"
With your support
we can mend his wings to
" fly again !!!